The Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil is a south Jersey folklore that dwells within the vast pine Barrens. The year was 1735 and legend states that Mother Leeds was pregnant with he 13th child and cursed, "Let this one be the Devil!!!" The child turned into the "Jersey Devil" and then flew up and out the chimney destined to become N.J.'s state demon.

Jersey Devil Features
It is said that he has the head of a horse, the wings of a bat and the hooves of the Devil!

What was the Jersey Devil?
Was the Jersey Devil simply just early man's ignorance on display? When the early European settlers were exploring and settling New Jersey, did they misinterpret the natural fauna as something supernatural? Some of the beasts that roamed the wilderness may have toyed with the minds of the early settlers... especially at night. Speculation concerning his diet, habits and the many theories of what the Jersey Devil could be are explored. Check out the book, "The Jersey Devil: Legend, Lore and Science."